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Created 16-Sep-09
Modified 24-Sep-20
38 photos
Some of my current favorites.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Snowy on Neon WaterOne Egret's ThanksgivingWhite Pelicans FeedingSnowy Take-offGreat Blue LiftoffPiebald Little Blue HeronGoofy Spoonbill FamilyWhite Ibis PairBattle ScarsLittle Blue Heron, Gray DayTricolored HeronTricolored HeronRoseate Spoonbill Juvenile with SnailKilldeer Under Security LightGreat Egret with CatfishGreat Egret with Large ShadCommon Yellowthroat on HorsetailRed Shoulder HawkRoseate SpoonbillsGreat Blue Heron

Guestbook for Portfolio Selections
Daniel J. Cox(non-registered)
Russ, love the egrets catching fish while on the wing. Very impressive presentation. You've done a beautiful job. Do you mind me asking what system your photo viewer is built on? Is this Smugmug, Flikr or something else?
Marti Lyle(non-registered)
Outstanding. I just hope BP does not ruin our environment. Your work i s amazing and an inspiration to me. Please continue to post.
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